In total, there arenine main Fallout games- eight on home console and one on mobile devices. There are also thirteen major expansions spread across Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4. The Fallout franchise is a coreBethesda gamethat will likely continue to receive support. Which Fall...
Computer role-playing games, from classics like Sierra's "Space Quest" series to the forthcoming "Fallout 3," use animation and sound to recreate a game world. A player might create and control one character or a whole group of characters. In some games, players can customize their character...
Before the big Update 20 arrives toFallout 76,Bethesda pushed through to launch Update 19 to serve as the initial foundation before the large changes go live. In Update 19, players now have access to ally customization, treasure hunts, item naming improvements, and new limited-time events, su...