Welcome to Node.js v16.14.2. Type".help"formore information. > process.exitCode = 1; 1 > (Toexit, press Ctrl+C again or Ctrl+D ortype.exit) > process.exit(1) refs https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-node-js-repl process.exit https://stackabuse.com/ho...
exit the terminal after download finished exit(0); } const url = 'https://cs193p.sites.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj16636/files/media/file/l1.pdf'; const filename = folder + '/cs193p-2021-l1.pdf'; // log('filename =', filename); downloadPDF(url, filename); https://stack...
"dev": "nodemon --watch './**/*.ts' --exec ts-node ./src/index.ts", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" } ... Thedevcommand added above runs the code in yourindex.tsfile usingnodemonandts-node. To execute it, run the command below in your terminal win...
To make the work easier, we’re adding support to the ES6 syntax. To do this, update the package.json file so it looks like this: { "name": "backend", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "src/app.js", "scripts": { "start": "nodemon --exec babel-node src/ap...
The node_modules folder is available after installing mysql module. But the installation of nodemon module fails.The following are the steps for solving the above error message : 1. First of all, try to initialize a NodeJS application. This will create a package.json f...
Modify the package.json file to include line 7 from Listing 2. Listing 2. Adding the dev script { "name": "filepond", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon server.js", "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit ...
nodemon bin/www Copy This command starts the application on port3000. You can test if it’s working by pointing your browser tohttp://your_server_ip:3000. You should see something like this: At this point, you can start a second SSH session to your server for the remainder of ...
npmERR!Exitstatus8npmERR!npmERR!Failedat the simple-blog@0.1.0start script'nodemon server.js'.npmERR!Thisis most likely a problem with the simple-blog package,npmERR!notwith npm itself.npmERR!Tellthe author that this fails on your system:npmERR!nodemon server.js ...
For example, to define a nodemon configuration, selectNode.js: Nodemon Setupand change the “program” entry script if necessary: {// custom configuration"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"console":"integratedTerminal","internalConsoleOptions":"neverOpen","name":"nodemon","program":"${work...
Let me explain in more detail. The “nodemon” is the part of the command that actually runs the script while also automatically restarting it upon any updates. The “nohup” part makes the script keep running even if you exit your VM or kill your terminal. ...