Currently, I start a few threads, open the file that I'm reading from. Check the first byte. If it is a one, I exit, else start the loop. When I'd like to exit. I put a one in the first byte, but it appears my file is never read again. While loop statement and variable...
Exit a For-Loop in VB.NET Here is the syntax for the Exit statement. It works not only on For-Loops, but also on other loops such as “While” and “Do”. It can also be used to exit from Functions or Procedures prematurely (without returning). Exit { Do | For | Function | Pro...
Line 7performs a check using anifstatement. When the variable equals two ("$i" == 2), the program exits thewhileloop using the Bashbreakstatement online 10. In that case, the code jumps toline 16. If the variable is a different number, the script continues as expected online 12. Exec...
in the do-while loop the value of i is less than 13. In the If condition, if the range value is less than 33, it will return fail in the next column, using the Offset function. Otherwise, it will return pas. A single increment of i is defined. The process continues until the con...
Actually I am not able to debug the code as it is for the device and running a big code, so i am putting logs and message boxes. In the message box code I have shared the value is coming to be zero. So I am a bit confused...
Python supports control statements using the for and while commands to operate some block of codes consecutively. Syntax of the for loop: for variable in <list/string/dictionary/tuple/set>: action(s) for variable in range(initial_value, end_value): action(s)Syntax of the while loop: ...
I am facing a strange situation where in I have to exit a LOOP when I condition is met & have to do further processing as follows:- LOOP AT ITAB INTO WA. gv_index = sy-tabix. IF wa-rsnum NE space. CLEAR wa_out2. READ TABLE it_out2 INTO wa_out2 WITH KEY doc_id = wa-rs...
7 Then Range("D" & row).End(xlToLeft).Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 ' exit the loop when we reach row 7 Exit For ' early exit without meeting a condition statement End If ' put any code you want to execute inside the loop Next row MsgBox "Processing row " & row End ...
Execute While loop when button pressed ExecuteNonQuery: Connection propery has not been initialized Executing a SQL Server query when clicking a button exit loop when Escape key is pressed Export Dataset to csv file Exporting or printing data to PDF External program window running within Windows Form...
1. To Print a String 5 Times in the Output We can print a number or a string repeatedly n number of times in a loop by using while loop. Command: x=1while[$x-le5]doecho"number is $x"x=$(($x+1))done Output: The result of the above snippet is given below: ...