PL/SQL provides the raise exception functionality to the user; many times, exceptions may occur in our application or software that means there is a problem or error in our code to execute the application. There is no control, but when an exception is raised, we can handle all the errors ...
PL/SQL TO_CHAR is an inbuilt function which is used to convert the datetime, interval, and numerical values in the string format. In addition, it converts the various data types like DATE, TIMESTAMP, etc., into the varchar data type. It is one of the important functions used widely by...
Have you ever encountered a situation when you were in the middle of writing a SQL query and thought, “if only I could write a quick PL/SQL function for this, it would make this quick and easy?” But, unfortunately, you don’t have any privileges to create any functions in the schem... In this article, we will look into creating our own Aggregate Function in Oracle. User-defined aggregates are a feature of the Extensibility Framework.It is possbil...
- So, each time the outer loop runs the inner loop will execute three times and the output will be printed on the screen: Example 3: Using Exit Statement to Terminate a Loop in PostgreSQL Table Use the following query to get data from the orders table and then use the exit statement in...
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called in Package OE_Delayed_Requests_PVT Procedure Process_Request_Pvt Solution Sign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a My Oracle Support account? Click to get started! In ...
19) Since there are no sequences in MySQL, and the MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() function only returns values on the last insert statement, change Oracle stmts like - SELECT SOME_SEQ.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL; To this in MySQL - SELECT MAX(SOME_COL) + 1 FROM SOME_TABLE; ...
'Sort' in exuction plan is showing more than 90 % cost, what to do? 'TRY_CONVERT' is not a recognized built-in function name 'VARCHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'WHEN MATCHED' cannot appear more than once in a 'UPDATE' clause of a MERGE statement. "EXECUTE AT"...
In the above example, the AGE of all the employees increased by 1. PL SQL Delete Command DELETE statement is used to remove an entire record from the table. It is also called aData Manipulation Language. Syntax: DELETE FROM << table name >> WHERE << criteria is met >>; ...
I do want to execute some PL/SQL programs from Java web application, but I do not want to use TOAD. If I provide program in executeUpdate then I get strange syntax errors reported by Oracle. Should I try executeBatch() instead of? Retire your iPod and start with HD Android music player...