intervention. The primary trial was conducted in eight communities in Kampala, Uganda between 2007 and 2012. The secondary analysis of follow up survey data used multivariate logistic regression to examine associations between intervention exposure and interpersonal communication, and relationship change (n=...
More people are learning to program than ever before–and have access to more languages. This is exciting, because in this new technological world we have the chance to avoid reproducing the injustices of existing social hierarchies. We need to be careful about how we are using ...
# To exclude the extra column X from the above file write.csv(per.sal,"output.csv", row.names = FALSE) <- read.csv("output.csv") print( empid empname empdept empsalary empstart_date 1 2 Rob HR 30000 03-05-2002 2 4 John R&D 35000 01-03-1999 3 5 Gary Fin...
We compared RCT enrollees with chronic spinal pain, 1,444 participants in eight clinical trials, included in an individual participant data meta-analysis project assessing the cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation for back or neck pain [6], to a representative sample of the US population with...
Missing data may seriously compromise inferences from randomised clinical trials, especially if missing data are not handled appropriately. The potential bias due to missing data depends on the mechanism causing the data to be missing, and the analytical
“magic” methods and attributes, while filtering byBuiltinMethodTypefilters out built-in methods written in C, which leaves magic attributes and removes many non-magic methods, like string manipulations. In most cases, the magic attributes and methods are what we’d like to exclude, so we’ll...
First, to exclude the impact of random time trends, a placebo test is used. We randomly selected the same number of firm-year observations to be the placebo-treated group. The number is 1337, which equals the sample size 4422 multiplied by the mean ofTreat × Post0.302 in the baselin...
Hi, statalist, This question really bothers me a lot. I want to construct 10 momentum portfolios and calculate their monthly return. Part of the monthly data is as follows. At the end of each month, I have the data of price(prc), ret(current month return), market capitalization for ...
Three respondents reported cli- ents requesting prenatal chromosome testing to exclude a major genetic abnormality, only to find that upon provision of results, the clients' true motivation for testing was to determine the fetal gender for the purpose of sex selection. Another respondent reported ...
Word clouds are constructed from the most frequent content words (i.e., nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs) in the corpus; an exclusion list was uploaded to the software, so as to exclude function words (i.e., determiners, prepositions, auxiliaries). These are usually excluded from ...