If you don’t already have a Dipplin,read our guide on how to get Dripplinhat details where to find an Applin and how to evolve it. The short of it, however, is thatyou can find an Applin west of Kitakami’s Mossui Town in an apple orchard. Or you can check outour other guid...
Climbing can be unlocked by defeating False Dragon Titan (Dondozo and Tatsugiri). Go east of Alfornada to the location shown on the map above. Follow the path and you will see the shiny stone on a hill. Auction house in Porto Marinada Players can also buy a Shiny Stone at the Auctio...
Tatsugiri Curly Form Droopy Form Stretchy Form Annihilape Clodsire Farigiraf Dudunsparce Two-Segment Form Three-Segment Form Kingambit Great Tusk Scream Tail Brute Bonnet Flutter mane Slither Wing Sandy Shocks Iron Treads Iron Bundle Iron Hands Iron Jugulis Iron Moth Iron Thorns Frigibax Arcti...