If you catch a Mega Raid Boss, you will still need to spend Mega Energy to enable the Pokémon to Mega Evolve. Every Pokémon has a Mega Evolution cost that varies between species, but once you do that, you can simply wait out the cooldown timer whenever you want to Mega Evolve again ...
These regional variant Pokémon have different typing, appearance, and abilities, to match the environments in which they live, such as the gorgeous white Vulpix of the Alola region. On top of that, there are 48 different Mega Evolutions that some Pokémon can evolve into during battle, ...
NidorinoEvolution NidokingEvolution CleffaEggs ClefairyEvolution ClefableEvolution VulpixEggs, research encounters, wild NinetailsEvolution Alolan VulpixWild Alolan NinetailsEvolution IgglybuffEggs JigglypuffEvolution WigglytuffEvolution ZubatEggs, research encounters, wild ...