1.How To Rename Eevee To Evolve Into Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, And Flareon 2.How To Evolve Multiple Umbreons And Espeons 3.How To Evolve Multiple Leafeons And Glaceons With A Lure Module 4.What To Catch On Eevee Co...
Some Pokémon need more than just candy to evolve. Here's everything you need to know about Evolution items!
Finally, Eevee can also be obtained from a trade with another player. 2 Teach your Eevee a Fairy-type move. The first requirement for Eevee to evolve into Sylveon is that it must know at least one Fairy-type move. Unlike other Fairy-type Pokémon like Clefable, no moonstone is needed to...
It's not letting me teach Eevee a Fairy move, and it's level 22. Any other way I can evolve it to Sylveon? Lugia2453 Top Answerer There's no other way to do so. I'd suggest using the move relearner to teach it a Fairy move. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 3 Question Does a fairy...