Scarlet and Violet: How to Evolve Every Pokémon With Special Items Special Items are basically variations of Evolutionary Stones. Simply find the necessary evolution item, use it on the correct Pokémon, and you’re good to go. Applin and Sweet Apple – AppletunApplin and Tart A...
After catching a Bounsweet, you’ll have to evolve it to get Steenee and Tsareena. You’ll need 25 Bounsweet Candy to evolve Bounsweet into Steenee, and then 100 more to evolve it into Tsareena. If there is no ongoing event with Bounsweet Eggs or Timed Research, it might be a lit...
Bounsweet Steenee Tsareena Comfet Oranguru Passimian Wimpod Golisopod Sandygast Palossand Pyukumuku Type: Null Silvally Minior Meteor Form Core Form Komala Turtonator Togedemaru Mimikyu Bruxish Drampa Dhelmise Jangmo-o Hakamo-o Kommo-o Tapu Koko Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini Cosmog Co...
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