even if they would normally have evolved at a specific level in a previous game. You must go into your satchel and evolve them yourself. Any Pokémon that require items to evolve must be given that item from your satchel and then the process will begin. ...
Pidgeotto Pidgeot Mega Pidgeot Rattata Alolan Rattata Raticate Alolan Ratticate Spearow Fearow Ekans Arbok Pikachu Partner Pikachu Raichu Alolan Raichu Sandshrew Alolan Sandshrew Sandslash Alolan Sandslash Nidoran ♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoran ♂ Nidorino Nidoking Clefairy Clefable Vu...
Can you get an Party-hat Raichu? Of course! Just like last year, you'll be able to evolve party hat Pikachu party hat Raichu — as long as you have 50 Pikachu Candy you're willing to spend 'em. Tap on the Pokémon ball icon. Tap on the Party-hat Pikachu you want to evolve. Ta...
PidgeottoEvolution PidgeotEvolution RattataWild RaticateEvolution Alolan RattataWild Alolan RaticateEvolution EkansEggs, raids, research encounters ArbokEvolution PichuEggs PikachuEvolution, research encounters, wild RaichuEvolution Alolan RaichuRaids SandshrewWild ...
In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Pikachu evolves into Alolan Raichu, with Surge Surfer as a new ability. To get regular Raichu in Sun and Moon, you must import it from a previous game. Community Q&A Question What is Pikachu's first evolution? Community Answer Pikachu can only evolve once. it...
Of course! Just like Santa hat Pikachu and Party hat Pikachu have been been able to evolve into Santa hat Raichu and Party hat Raichu respectively, Ash hat Pikachu can evolve into Ash hat Raichu — as long as you have 50 Pikachu Candy you're willing to spend 'em. ...
Alolan Exeggutor: Double weak to Ice Kirlia: Weak to Poison, Steak, and Ghost Roselia: Weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic Mawile: Weak to Fire and Ground Reward: 10x Poké Balls, 1x Fast TM, 1x Super Incubator Stage 2: Make 3 New Friends, Evolve and Evolved Grass-type Pokémon...