Glass etching creamis also widely known as acid cream and is one of the easiest ways to personalize your glass. It is fairly inexpensive, but a jar doesn’t go a long way since you have to coat your glass with a thick layer to etch it correctly. The cream has adiluted mixture of ch...
Fill a plastic tray with the chosen etchant solution. Immerse the PCB board completely in the liquid etchant. Agitate gently to expedite etching and allow fresh etchant contact. Periodically lift board and check progress of etching. When complete, wash off all solution under running water....
The main thing I did learn is that I would have to fire polish the etched dichro before it could be capped. I also found out that you have to clean, and clean and clean them. I wound up scrubbing them with dishwashing soap and a toothbrush followed by a mix of glass cleaner and ...
Keep in mind that the "ooze" is partly de-activated byproduct by also not-yet-deactivated etchant which will stain for life anything it comes into contact with. So, you will need a large container (or else place small amounts of your main etchant bath in a medium container) to ...
Invisible CO2 lasers are used for cutting/etching materials like wood and acrylic while such tools can only etch materials like glass, metal, or slate. Many hobbyists utilize these tools for the removal of paints or top coating layers for items spanning homemade printed circuit boards to custom...
Visible diode lasers can process a subset of materials than that of CO2 lasers where the difference largely falls to the inability to process transparent plastics (acrylic and PETG) and glass. Invisible fiber lasers offer versatility across various materials with an emphasis on marking and engraving...
Visible diode lasers can process a subset of materials than that of CO2 lasers where the difference largely falls to the inability to process transparent plastics (acrylic and PETG) and glass. Invisible fiber lasers offer versatility across various materials with an emphasis on marking and engraving...
is a better example when discussing laser safety. Ultimately, we want to limit the number of these light particles that enter our eyes or touch our skin. Just as these light particles etch away the surface of your slate coaster, they can also do the same to your skin, cornea, or retina...