as well as the steps teenagers can take to establish credit responsibly. Whether you’re a parent looking to educate your teenager or a young individual eager to learn about credit, this article
A strong credit history not only helps you qualify for loans and credit cards, but it also affects your ability to secure affordable interest rates and favorable terms. While many people believe that having a credit card is the only way to establish credit, there are actually alternative ...
Find out how to keep your teenager safe online. Learn about the top online threats for teens, and use our tips to protect your child from internet dangers.
While most loans are extremely difficult to get without a credit score, you can be approved for just about anything if you’ve got a cosigner with good credit. That’s because when you’ve got a cosigner, the lender will examinetheircredit and approve you based on that. If you default o...
Sarah Gage, a senior credit cards editor at Bankrate, has already done this for her child. “My son is nine, and one of the first steps I’ve taken to help set him up for financial success has been to freeze his credit reports to protect him from identity theft. It takes a lot of...
If you're a parent, it's never too early to start modeling positive credit behavior for your children—and having conversations about personal finances and credit. By making your teenager an authorized user on your credit card account, you can help them establish their own positive credit histor...
When building your brand visuals, there are several key elements and assets you need to create to establish a cohesive visual identity: Logo: A well-designed logo is the cornerstone of your brand visuals. It should be versatile, memorable and easily recognizable. You can get a professional de...
Our need to be needed. Our desire to nurture someone. Our desire to see that our work and love produces an effect – a child who loves us back. What we often do is keep a picture in our minds of our child and how they will fulfill these needs and desires for us. What happens whe...
Besides, Instagram has become a preferred place for people wanting to stalk others online activities. A person may post a photo trying to pose as a beautiful teenager, and online predators take advantage of tricking such individuals into wanting to meet up with them. This and many other situati...
Before committing to a long-term cell phone plan, use a prepaid phone for a month or two to gauge what your (or your teenager's) actual usage will be. Then you can find a plan with the minutes and calling times to match. Young Adults and Others With No Credit History or Credit Card...