To remove Sharpie ink from a wood table, dip the tip of a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, then trace the marker lines on the table with the wet swab. Follow up with a paper towel, wiping in the direction of the marker ink to help prevent spreading it from side to side. For larger...
If the unwanted marker or ink stain has found its way around the bin, furniture, or most likely, your child's toys and other types of plastic material, you can use a pencil eraser, sunscreen, a dry erase marker, or rubbing alcohol to make it disappear. Luckily, this is one of the e...
consider using Amodex Ink & Stain Remover. This product can effectivelylift Sharpie marks off finished and unfinished woodwork. All you need to do is apply a thin layer of the product onto the affected spot. Then, use a clean, damp cloth to gently remove the marker stain from the ...
How to erase chalk markers? Chalk markers like Sharpie chalk pens are usually wet erase. All you have to do is to use a slightly damp cloth to erase or remove chalk marker on non-porous surfaces. If the chalkboard marker won’t come off completely or if there are ghost markers left, t...
Don’t forget to switch to the dry erase marker for this step! If you do happen to write on the glass with the Sharpie, it will come off with Goof Off*…I learned this one by experience!! One of my favorite parts of this project, is how easily the dry erase marker wipes off. ...
Here are more helpful tips I’ve organized from readers in the comment area below (for use on wood, walls, floors, clothing–all kinds of things): Color over spot with a dry erase marker, wipe it off and it should pull up the ink too. ...
In the guide, we used a permanent marker brand named Super Sharpie. Other permanent marker brands such as Mr. Pen-Jumbo and Zebra are also able to...
Sharpie Nothing beats a Sharpie for marking your cardboard for cutting. A pencil works as well, and some might argue that an errant pencil mark is easier to conceal or erase, but I like to get my score marks down quickly and boldly so there is no room for doubt. A marker line is ha...
Rubbing alcohol lifts permanent marker ink from all sorts of surfaces, such as finished wood floors, plastic containers, skin, kitchen countertops, clothing, or even a leather sofa. Alcohol acts as a solvent to lift the Sharpie ink out of or off of many surfaces. For hard surfaces, pour a...
I’ve considered a few different solutions to get my small rugs to stay put in the bathroom, but none of them were particularly promising. But I eventually did come across a very useful hack that fixed my problem in seconds! The Simple Solution: Shelf Liner ...