【TED】科普动画集锦 374 Learning from smallpox How to eradicate a disease 05:46 【TED】科普动画集锦 375 Let's plant 20 million trees together! #TeamTrees 01:01 【TED】科普动画集锦 376 Let's make history…by recording it 03:19 【TED】科普动画集锦 377 Licking bees and pulping trees ...
AIDS (Disease)ANTIRETROVIRAL agentsThere is a way to wipe out HIV completely. So why hasn't it happened yet?doi:10.1016/S0262-4079(09)60524-8WilsonClareNew ScientistC. Wilson, "How to eradicate AIDS," New Sci., vol. 201, no. 2696, pp. 38-41, Feb. 2009....
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines addiction as "a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences." The American Psychiatric Association (APA) prefers the term substance use disorder (SUD). SUD "is ...
The elimination of smallpox from every region of the world took a huge effort. Getting rid of other infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, will be even more difficult.
For example, AI has the potential to eradicate disease and poverty, but researchers must work to create AI that can be controlled. The four-paragraph letter, titled Research Priorities for Robustand Beneficial Artificial Intelligence, an Open Letter, lays out detailed research priorities in the ...
无论如何,这本书写的内容就是对于新冠这样的大流行病,盖茨提出他自己的一套解决方案:I see four priorities for a global plan to eradicate respiratory diseases and prevent pandemics.1. Make and deliver better tools.2. Build the GERM team. (Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization team)3. Improve ...
to achieving one of the most important public health goals of our time: 实现当代最重要的 公共卫生目标之一: eradicating HIV. 消灭艾滋病毒HIV。 And to do this, we won’t even have to cure the disease. 要做到这一点,我们 其实不必治愈这种疾病, ...
Similarly to downy mildew, peach leaf curl develops best inspringwhen the weather is humid and cool. This disease is caused by afungusthat prefers peach trees, but which also attacksother fruit trees, as well asvegetable and ornamental plants. It is an instantly recognisable by thered-pink bl...
(liver rot disease) and to a heightened risk of bile duct cancer (3), not just liver cancer. Because a fluke grows and lays eggs in the biliary ducts, it creates a far higher increased risk of Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). A single worm can lay 500 eggs a day in its bile ...
Another benefit of vaccinating a significant portion of the population is that it contributes to herd immunity. This protects even those who aren't vaccinated, which will further reduce the overall burden of HPV and cervicalcancer. HPV vaccination can also help prevent vaginal and vulval cancers ...