With water comes life, and this is true even in a beaver colony sim game like Timberborn. Your community of critters will use dams and waterways to increase crop yields and make the land arable. But, you’ll also need to prepare for an eventual challenge. This comes in the form of the...
Shattering Impact just happens to be the only thing in the game that affects the Base Armor of an Enemy (well, Steel Path and Sortie Bonus Armor seemingly does too but that's not stuff you can Equip). so anything else could at worst round you down an Armor Point you didn't expect, ...
(Crimson) and Parkour Velocity (Amber) Shards.Ability Strength buffs the damage of Peacemakers, while Parkour Velocity is incredibly useful for buffing your roll distance while using the Mesa's Waltz augment. If you want to move quickly with this augment, equip five Parkour Velocity Archon ...
Fixed purchasing a Glyph to equip on your Railjack only applying the icon, but not setting the selected item. This resulted in the Glyph slot name not updating and selecting to equip a new Glyph would auto focus the old Glyph you had before the purchase. Fixed teammate buttons in the Railj...