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Enter the remainder of the problem, and press “Enter” to solve. For example, if you want to add a whole number to the fraction, press the “+” key and whole number, then press “Enter.” Mixed Fractions Enter the whole number using the keys of the TI-30X IIS. For example, the...
Enter the remainder of the problem, and press "Enter" to solve. For example, if you want to add a whole number to the fraction, press the "+" key and whole number, then press "Enter." Mixed Fractions 1. Enter the Whole Number Enter the whole number using the keys of the TI-30X ...
There has been growing interest of late in the cognitive effort required by post-editing of machine translation. Compared to number of editing operations, cogni- tive (or mental) effort is frequently considered a more decisive indicator of the overall effort expended by post-editors. Estimating ... carry out B.carry out C.carrying out D.carried out 热门试题 单项选择题 每当进程要访问某虚页时,才把该页读入内存的方法称为()。 A.提前分页 B.请求分页 C.静态分页 D.动态分页 未分类题 ()不授予专利权。 单项选择题 企财险中“珠宝”,保险公司()。
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