Pro invoicing tips for small businesses. Learn how to create, send, and follow up an invoice, and speed up payment.
Want to know how to make an invoice for your small business? Read about invoice templates, formatting your invoices, and how to create an online invoice.
These two widely used office tools offer basic built-in OCR capabilities to read scanned and digital PDFs. You can use them as an intermediate step — extracting the PDF invoice and receipt data into editable text before exporting to Excel. Here's how you can use these two tools to get P...
You can manually change it if the invoice needs to go to a different address. d. P.O. Number: Some customers will require you to use their purchase order (P.O.) number on your invoices. You can manually enter that information here. e. Terms: Choosing the correct payment terms is crit...
Accounting software can streamline payments to independent contractors by automating payment processes, managing records, and ensuring compliance with tax laws. Using accounting software like FreshBooks, QuickBooks, Xero, or Sage for payroll means you can utilize features like direct deposit, automatic tax...
My company buys parts to complete repairs on vehicles, but sometimes we buy extra parts that we do not need, so we decide to return them. How do I record a refund from a vendor? Is it recorded the same even if the original purchase was made from a check or debit card?
Be worthy of your customer's trust — that's a best practice for payment processing. Any information related to your customer’s money and purchase should be written in short paragraphs at the fifth-grade level using easy-to-understand words. ...
1. Open the invoice you are writing off. You will want to refer to the invoice as you proceed through the following steps. To find the invoice: Click on Sales. Click on Customers. Enter the customer’s name and click on the invoice from the list to open the invoice. 2. Create a ne...
The lack of functionality to show SKU in a printed PO is very frustrating. I send purchase orders to all of my suppliers and every supplier needs to have the SKU listed. I'm considering moving to Xero because of this. Please let us know when t...
According to Xero, there was an 81% spike in late payment costs for NZ small businesses between 2021 and 2023. To avoid late payments, invoice your customers on time and send reminders before payments are due. If you sell high-value products or services, check your customer’s credit ...