In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to setup Betaflight and configure the flight controller for your first flight after building an FPV drone. There are many options you can enable or change, it will probably take hours to explain what they all do. Therefore in this guide I will only s...
Nevertheless, in order to keep the electronics components organized and get rid of the wiring mess, I designed a custom PCB using the EasyEDA free online circuit design software. This PCB will actually act as an Arduino MEGA shield because we will be able to directly connect it on top of ...
The condition of this if statement isx < y. Say x equals 2 and y equals 4. 2 < 4 is a true statement, so the program will enter the curly brackets and execute the code in the body. The body code will serial print “x is less than y” to the serial monitor. If x equals 10 ...
Or you can enter the “status” command in the Betaflight Configurator CLI and look for the name of the IMU under Gyro/ACC. Some FC may have more than one Gyro onboard, and you can choose which one to use in the CLI with the command “set gyro_to_use=0 or 1”. Which Gyro Is ...
My code is: uart.c that I have is in src/ I think the pertinent code is src/dmx.c The print statement at line 113 shows four 120 byte data events, then one break event with 120 bytes, then repeats. ...
To test whether we have successfully enter the mode, in the serial monitor we can type “AT” and we should get a response message “OK”. There are total of 12 AT Commands, and they are used for changing various parameters like the baud rate, the channel, the transmitting power etc...
In theloop()section, we take a digital read from theinputPinand store it in thecurrentButtonStatevariable. Then we get to an if statement that says “if thecurrentButtonStateis not equal to thelastButtonState, enter the body of the if statement”. In other words, the if statement will ...
In the setup() function, we started by defining serial communication. Next in loop() function, we define an integer variabledecimal_inputto hold the user’s input. We prompt the user to enter a decimal number by printing a message to the serial monitor. Next program will wait to receive ...
Copy Code importpyb led = pyb.LED(1) led.on() This should turn on one of the LEDs on the pyboard. Enter the following command to turn it off: Copy Code If you are able to control the LED, it means that MicroPython is up and running on your pyboard!
Next, navigate to File > Examples > grbl > grblUpload. A new sketch will open and we need to upload it to the Arduino board. The code might look weird as it’s just one lines, but not worries, everything happens in the background in the library. So, we just have to select the ...