Why using a stop loss order is your greatest trading tool (you must know how to set proper stop loss) A stoploss order gets your out of a trade when it goes against you. An example: You long Apple shares at $100 and place a stoploss at $90. This means that if Apple trade to a...
asaqaz: my broker have a trailing stop of 20 point how i can crate a trailing stop of number of point <20 ? You can't. Best you can do is remember where the stop should be and close the order when price triggers it. Put the actual SL at the limit in case you loose connection....
This article focuses on the trailing Stop Loss level for positions. For pending orders this operation does not make sense, because you can move directly to the order price. And when it turns into a position (or its part), then this material will be handy . Trade position can be closed n...
PLUS, you’ll learn 5 powerful techniques to trail your stop loss so you can reduce risk and ride MASSIVE trends. Now if you prefer, you can watch this training video below… What is a trailing stop loss and how does it work A trailingstop lossis an order that “locks in” profits ...
and I have difficulty with correctly coding strategy-close condition. I think Long position is closed when STC >=75 (Profit) or when close price is under (entry_bar_close - entry_bar_Trailingstop), but I don't know what function to use under 'else'. ...
If prices gap 50 pips for example, it means within that 50-pip range there is no liquidity and you cannot exit a trade or enter a new one for the moment. Having trades open during major economic or geopolitical news announcements can be risky. High volatility can occur within seconds of...
A 404 error is an HTTP status code that shows that the server couldn’t reach the web page you are trying to visit. This means that if you enter a URL of a web page that does not exist, then you will see a ‘404 Page Not Found’ error. ...
This update introduces a new configuration option IgnoredPaths in the /etc/abrt/plugins/CCpp.conf configuration file, which allows you to specify a comma-separated list of file system path patterns, for which core dump will not be generated at all. System logs after adding the executable path ...
A trailing stop is a stop-loss order that moves with the market price, protecting profits on a trade from a market reversal. Flying a plane is easy. Landing it is the challenge. Similarly, profitable trading is all about the exit. It can be hard to watch a market reverse course and wi...
Learn about order types. Understanding how each works, along with their risks and advantages, will help you make better decisions when placing trades. Create and stick to a strong risk management plan. This should include proper position sizing, stop-loss orders, and diversification. ...