Step 4. Now, launch Minecraft and start playing. A green number will appear on Minecraft. It shows that Bandicam has detected your game. Step 5. Press the record button on Bandicam or F12 key to start recording your Minecraft gameplay. A red number on your Minecraft indicates that the reco...
I the next window, you have several options and things to do. First, you need to enter the IP of your NAS (do not include https://), add the port number of your NAS (if you have not manually changed this, you can leave it as the default one on your screen) and if you are c...
It’s hard not to see any modder not wanting their creation to turn commercial and get them into the gaming industry and let’s be honest, that why a large number of modders do what they do. Sure, it’s not all but a very high percentage. However, I do have misgivings about taking...
set /p m=Enter message here: msg * %c% %m% GoTo A This allows you to create a messenger on Windows 7 and after entering the ip address of the computer for the first you can simply send messages after that, without needing to re-enter the ip address this happens when i use to ent...