If you’re running a college or university, you need to do everything you can to keep your students engaged on campus. Engaged students tend to be happier students, they have better learning outcomes, and they’re much more likely to recommend your college to others. So how do you accompl...
erodes the construction of campus civilization, but also greatly weakens the effectiveness of ideological and political education in universities. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen the integrity education of college students and actively promote the organic integration of...
In addition, through completion of this thesis I hoped to understand what motivates students to participate in events on campus in order to more effectively increase awareness or sustainable behaviors. Specific interest was placed on the students at the University of South Carolina. I oriented this ...
Campus climateLGBT identitycollege studentshigher educationreligionspiritualityThe purpose of this study was to compare how students of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities perceive the campus religious and spiritual climate and engage in interfaith and spiritual activities during college. Using ...
The influence of students' understanding of models on model-based reasoning (=-=Gobert et al., 2002-=-; Gobert and Discenna, 1997) and of science (Schommer, 1993) may influence not only their motivation to engage in learning but also the strategies they employ in response to the task (...
citizenry by educating our students and motivating them to engage in our democracy,” said Fran Lo, executive director of the Community Engagement and Leadership Education Center at the University of Washington. “Not only during their time in ...
If your campus doesn’t have a composting program, try to start one. The least you can do is start composting in your own dorm—just be sure to have a conversation with your roommate first. 5. Engage in other eco-friendly initiatives on campus There are a ton of ways...
TikTok provides a unique and dynamic platform for colleges to engage with students and build a stronger campus community. By using it to showcase campus life, promote events, and amplify student voices, you can create a more connected and engaged student body. With thoughtful planning and crea...
Should I start college fall or spring? Spring admissionis beneficial for colleges and students. These programs allow schools to accommodate matriculated students halfway through the year. When winter graduates leave campus, spring admits take their place. Policies and deadlines vary, so you'll need...
Interactive Open Educational Resources: A Guide to Finding, Choosing, and Using What's Out There to Transform College Teaching How to Instruct and Engage Students through ILMs 129 TEN The Assessment Process: The Impact of ILMs on Student Learning 143 Epilogue: HowFaculty, Librarians, and Instructio...