International Arbitration between States and Foreign Investors: How to Enforce Awards Against States or How Immunity of Execution Operates This article focus on recognition and enforcement of awards rendered against States in investment disputes. While Icsid awards have their own mechanism for... M ...
cc@gitlab-org/data-access/dbfif anyone has an idea to prevent this from happening in the future. Krasimir Angelov@krasio·3 weeks ago Maintainer Unfortunately I don't see how we can enforce this. When fixing this we should have made20240902124442_add_not_null_to_ci_deleted_project_id.rb...
then you have to decide how to proceed: either give up on trying to intimidate the PCs or otherwise get character-based reactions from them, and play the light hack 'n slash adventure they think they're on; or have a more structured Session 0 (or 0-2, ...
If an SOE requests its employees to not withdraw from the co-investment project when they leave the company, and decides whether to pay bonuses and return the investment principal according to the future profitability of the project, given t...
In summary, startups may enforce the non-competition of co-founders through either equity holding or labour relations. If non-competition clauses have been properly set out under the equity agreements, it makes sense that ...
Now, to be honest, this was harder than I thought it'd be and I had to dig into the FFmpeg command line source code and test it a lot and I think I'm missing something because I had to enforce force-cfr for the h264 to work and I'm still seeing some warning messages like ...
In 2014 Google announced on theirofficial blogthat security and encryption is a top priority. This basically means that Google wants to enforce strong HTTPS encryption by default for all websites. In return websites with implemented SSL certificates may benefit from higher rankings in the search en...
Tell PAM to use libpam-pwquality to enforce strong passwords by editing the file /etc/pam.d/common-password and change the line that starts like this: password requisite to this: password requisite retry=3 minlen=10 difok=3 ucredit=-1 lcredi...
Even though they seem very cold and harsh towards one another, Snotlout often trying too hard to enforce his authority and Hookfang sometimes ignoring Snotlout's commands, they care deeply about one another, as they are both willing to sacrifice their lives for one another. Snotlout risked...
Whenever you would update your working tree, a script could, only for the files you have specified in the .gitattributes, force the LF eol and any other formatting option you want to enforce. If the "clear" script doesn't do anything, you will have (after commit) transformed ...