How do you stop the VHDL simulator when the simulation is complete? There are several ways to do that. In this article, we will examine the most common ways to end a successful testbench run. The VHDL code presented here is universal, and it should work in any capable VHDL simulator. ...
63987 - Simulation - How to run functional simulation using Vivado Simulator? Description You can perform functional simulation after synthesis or implementation. It allows you to ensure that the synthesized or implemented design meets the functional requirements and behaves as expected. ...
In Vivado Design Suite, the simulation libraries and models have changed from ISE. How do I perform VCS simulation in Vivado? Solution Overview: VCS provides for two methods of referencing Xilinx model libraries for Functional and Gate Level Simulation: Precompiled, and Dynamic. Notes: The method...
The easiest way to diagnose these problems is not through synthesis and implementation, but by simulation. Generally the gross errors that cause logic to be optimized away are very obvious when simulation is done (in that large portions of your design simply won't work). Turning off optimization...
63988 - How to run timing simulation using Vivado Simulator? Description You can perform timing simulation after Synthesis or Implementation. At the post-synthesis simulation stage, although it is not typical, you can perform timing simulation with estimated timing numbers. ...
56713 - Vivado Simulation - How do I compile libraries and perform simulation in Vivado using IUS (NCSim) Description In Vivado Design Suite, the simulation libraries and models have changed from ISE. How do I perform simulation using IUS (NCSim) in Vivado tools? Solution Overview: IUS (NCSi...
stuff, I can now see more packages in simvision (just the axi_vip stuff) but it did not probe the package that I want to probe. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, but I JUST realized some of the probing is happening in the testbench sv file rather tha...
57876 - Vivado HLS 2013.2: how to investigate WARNING: Hls::stream 'hls::stream.XX' is read while empty, or WARNING: Hls::stream 'hls::stream<XX>.2' contains leftover data, which may result in RTL simulation hanging. Description When using hls::streams, during C-simulation (csim_design...
6537 - Simulation, UniSim, SimPrim - How do I use the "glbl.v" module in a Verilog simulation? Description How do I use the "glbl.v" module in a Verilog simulation? Solution The "glbl.v" module connects the Global Set/Reset and Global Tristate signals to the design. In order to...
Simulation Log Testbench for D-flip flop What is the Design Under Test? A design under test, abbreviated as DUT, is a synthesizable module of the functionality we want to test. In other words, it is the circuit design that we would like to test. We can describe our DUT using one of...