This article will discuss how tomanage and stop too many unnecessary background processes in Windows 11/10. When you start your computer, Windows loads all device drivers, services, and startup apps. These services include both Microsoft and third-party services. All these startup apps and serv...
Select any non-essential program and press theDisablebutton to remove it from the Windows Startup. The fewer startup programs you have, the faster your boot time. Hopefully, you now know how many processes you should have running on your Windows 11. Before you go, don’t miss our guide ...
This is by far the most straightforward method that comes to mind while trying to fix most problems on a Windows 11 PC. Normally, when you do a system restart, you essentially force all the processes, Windows including, to restart all their services and processes. This also restarts the Sta...
This helps quickly close running apps and their background processes in a single window. But force ending may not save your work, only do this when the program freezes. Method 2 Settings Another built-in way to force closing an app which is not responding is to use theWindows Settingsapp....
Windows 11 comes with a built-in Game Mode that prioritizes system resources for gaming applications. When enabled, Game Mode allocates more CPU and GPU power to your games, reducing background processes’ interference. To enable Game Mode, click on thesearch iconand type ‘turn on Game mode...
If the error persists, check Task Manager for background processes related to camera software, and end them. Lastly, updating your camera’s drivers or performing a system update can also resolve conflicts that might cause this error. What can I do if my camera’s LED light is on,...
5. End High Data Consuming Processes If you end the processes that consume the most data on your computer, you increase the bandwidth other applications may share. Here is how to end processes in Windows 11. Step 1:Click theStartmenu, typeresource, and select theResource Monitorapp. ...
Next you’ll need your Windows 11 installation media. Mount it, navigate to the “sources” folder. Again, inside the sources folder will be a file named either “install.esd” or “install.wim”. Copy that file, then navigate to your working folder. In your working folder, paste your ...
These processes are a major culprit when investigating why your PC runs slow and has long loading times. Most of these processes don’t need to run all the time, if at all. To that end, we have compiled a list of methods of disabling background processes, so you can give your PC a...
If no update is found, go toIntel's Drivers & Software page. Open theGraphicssection and download the latest version of the drivers available for your processor. Also, refer to our guide on how toupdate graphics drivers in Windowsto know the different ways you can install the latest GPU dr...