通过ssh在Linux终端下工作,有一个很烦的事情就是,如果需要执行一个长时间的命令(例如拷贝一个大文件,或者做DDL)时,如果终端意外断开(网络或者别的原因),一般命令就会终止,当然你可以使用nohup命令,这里提供另一个办法:使用screen。 一般,我们创建一个screen会话,然后连接会话并在会话下工作,这时候,我们可以随时挂起...
22872是一个唯一会话ID,后面supu是自定义的会话名,可以使用screen -r 22872等同于screen -r supu。 Enjoy! 参考:linux 技巧:使用 screen 管理你的远程会话| man screen 2 responses to “Linux下使用screen工作How-to”
However, the default behavior in many Linux distributions often makes it difficult, if not impossible, to identify the first few boot stages as they proceed, so you’ll probably be able to get a good look only after they’ve completed and you log in. 你能够识别启动过程的每个阶段对于解决启...
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-supu. 可以通过kill -9 9348杀死该会话,然后通过screen -wipe清理被杀死的会话。
Access to a command line / terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+t/Ctrl+Alt+F2) How to Install Screen on Linux If you’re running a recent version of Linux, like Ubuntu 20.04 or CentOS 8, you probably already haveScreeninstalled. To verity if Screen is installed, check the version with the command...
Not a directory, Is a directory 不是一个目录,是一个目录 These messages pop up when you try to use a file as a directory or a directory as a file. For example: 当您尝试将文件用作目录或将目录用作文件时,这些消息会弹出。例如:
Method 1: Clear the Screen in Linux via clear Command The fastest way to clear the terminal screen in Linux is with theclearcommand. In most terminal emulators, likeGNU, runningclearwithout any arguments creates a blank slate screen:
At the end I realized that, along with what I already knew, and what I was learning, I had the makings of a how-to guide. I figured I'd put it online to hopefully help others learn, and save time.I've never found one guide that covers everything -- this guide is my attempt....
a screenshot on Linux, depending on which distribution you're using. The most common method is to use the Print Screen key, but you can also use the built-in Screenshot application or even a third-party tool like GIMP. More sophisticated users might also want to consider using the ...
Ubuntu allows you to take a screenshot of the entire desktop, a specific window, or an area you select. Over the following few sections, we will be exploring how to take a screenshot using either the desktop app or keyboard shortcuts. Of course, to take a screenshot in Ubuntu, you ...