1. 使用GnuPG加密文件夹 (Using GnuPG to Encrypt Folders) GnuPG是一个强大的加密工具,用户可以通过命令行对文件夹进行加密: tar -cvf folder.tar /path/to/folder gpg -c folder.tar 此命令将文件夹压缩为tar文件,并使用GPG进行加密。用户需要输入密码来保护文件。 2. 使用eCryptfs加密文件夹 (Using eCryptf...
完成这些步骤后,文件夹中的文件将被加密,只有您登录的用户才能访问。 2. 使用BitLocker加密整个驱动器 (Using BitLocker to Encrypt Entire Drives) 如果您想要加密整个驱动器,可以使用BitLocker。它是Windows Professional和Enterprise版本中的一项功能。步骤如下: 打开“控制面板”,选择“系统和安全”。 点击“BitLocker...
How to encrypt a folder or file on Windows? Read this article to know the best ways to do folder lock easily.
Step 1. Select the folder to be encrypted Use the shortcut keyWin+Eto open theFile Explorer, select a disk and open it, and find the folder you want to encrypt. Step 2. Encrypt folder Right-click the selected folder, select “Properties” –“Advanced”. Then check “Encrypt contents to...
Windows is the most used desktop OS. However, it is vulnerable to cyberattacks. Therefore, encrypt your files and folders in Windows.
电脑文件夹怎么加密(Howtoencryptcomputerfolders) Encryptingfilesorfolders Step1:opentheWindowsexplorer. Steptwo:right-clickthefileorfolderthatyouwantto encrypt,andthenclick"attribute"". Stepthree:ontheGeneraltab,clickadvanced".Select "Encryptcontenttoprotectdata"checkbox Intheencryptionprocessalsopayattentionto...
How to Encrypt Files Learnhow to encrypt fileswith CryptoForge, easy-to-use file encryption software that allows you to encrypt files of any type and size, on any kind of drive. You can encrypt files either on a hard disc, USB drive, flash drive, or any removable drive, or upload the...
How to Encrypt a Folder in Windows 1. Right-click on the folder you want to encrypt and select ‘Properties’. 2. In ‘Properties’ under the ‘General’ tab, navigate to ‘Attributes’ and click ‘Advanced’. 3. Click the ‘Encrypt contents to secure data’ button, then press OK ...
Check the box next to “Encrypt contents to secure data.” Click “OK” and then “Apply.” Choose whether to encrypt just the file or its parent folder as well. Click “OK” to complete the process. Your files are now encrypted and can only be accessed with your Windows account passwor...
Right-click (or press and hold) a file or folder and selectProperties. Select theAdvancedbutton and select theEncrypt contents to secure datacheck box. SelectOKto close theAdvanced Attributeswindow, selectApply, and then selectOK.