When policymakers fail to enact prudent measures, these indicators can become riddled with uncertainty, thereby impeding the dynamic contributions of B2B marketing to industrial value-added (Ramlall, 2018) and sustainable development (Voola et al., 2022). Moreover, geopolitical risks such as nation-...
naolllogies weremthaeinngeovaalsluaantdedcraitgeraiianwweriteheqthuealMlyAwVeiTghmteadtriinxiamnpdortthaencsee,ncsoirtrievsiptyonsdcoinrgestoan25d%rawnekigshotbfotarienaecdh were compoafrethdeweictohnothmeicoraingdinasol cMiaCl DcrAiteerivaalaunadtio2n0%fowr tehigeh1t7fcolreaenacthecohfntohleoge...
Shared consumption symbols enact social loyalty. Hence, possessions can individualise but also antithetically create group association. Similarly, when close loved ones are viewed as part of the extended self, Belk proposes that one grieves when relations die due to a loss of self. Relatedly, ...