* Have you applied a "LAA/4GB Patch" to enable your 32-bit game to use more than 2GB of system memory? NOTE: This is not needed for GOG versions of games as they are already patched in this regard. * Did the Game work and then stop, or has it never worked? * Have you tried ...
(You can’t get a dump from a traditional Synergy (.dbr) program this way; instead, start the program separately from Visual Studio and attach to it.) Start the program that crashes. In Visual Studio, click the green “Attach…” button on the toolbar (as shown in Figure 1), or ...
VRSVariable Returns to Scale VRSVojska Republike Srpske(Serbian: Army of the Serbian Republic) VRSVortex Ring State VRSVapor Recovery System VRSVehicle Repair Specialist. VRSVirtual Rendering System(computer graphics software library) VRSVoluntary Reporting Scheme(UK; manufactured nanomaterials) ...
If you need to do more than simply write some text (such as link to another site or embed an image or otherwise use the "Editor Toolbar"), please read the wiki How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments article. Some other suggestions: Always be polite, even if the ...