All articles related to Howto. Including security, monitoring, performance, and system management of Linux systems.
sar : CPU and RAM monitoring sar : Disk and network reporting How to install sar in SUSE Linux To makesaravailable on SUSE, you need toinstall packagenamedsysstat. If you have zypper repo configured then you can directly run below command : root@kerneltalks# zypper in sysstat Refreshing serv...
Enable GUI in SUSE Linux If you want to go back into GUI mode again, run below command – kerneltalks:~# systemctl set-default graphical Removedsymlink/etc/systemd/system/ Createdsymlinkfrom/etc/systemd/system/ to/usr/lib/systemd/system/ Reboot the ...
We can extend theVolume Groupof the currently usedVGto get more space. However, in this case, we are going to create a newVolume Groupand experiment with it. Later, we can see how to extend the file systems of theVolume Groupthat is currently in use. Before using a new disk, we nee...
Note:Use one of 5 available commands in Linux tocheck memory usage. How to Check CPU Usage from Linux Command Line Linux provides a variety of tools for monitoring CPU activity. The following section explains how to use thetop,mpstat,sar, andiostatcommands to view and interpret CPU usage. ...
Run the following command to install sar: yum -y install sysstat Enable NIC multi-queue. Perform the following operations on both tested ECS and auxiliary ECSs. Run the following command to check the number of queues supported by the ECSs: ethtool -l eth0 | grep -i Pre -A 5 | grep...
Sar comes with default 10 mins data collection interval. How do we change it to 1 minute? Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 sysstat Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. ...
In this article you will learn two techniques to enable these suppressed features, by either modifying strings in the sftp binary itself, or by redirection through shells that are able to easily edit the command line. Depending upon the capabilities of the platform, either technique might be ...
Install VirtualBox Extension Pack on Linux [ You might also like:How to Enable USB in VirtualBox] Updating VirtualBox in Linux Systems If you want to update theVirtualBoxwith the latest version in the future, you can simply run the following command to update it. ...
It is important to find the process or application hogging memory of the system in case of a performance issue. The post lists few of the basic commands to calculate memory usage on a general Linux system. 1. Calculate memory usage using SAR ...