How to decentralize the internet: A focus on data consolidation and user privacy Author links open overlay panelTed “Taekyoung” Kwon a, Junghwan Song a, Heeyoung Jung b, Selin Chun a, Hyunwoo Lee c, Minhyeok Kang a, Minkyung Park a, Eunsang Cho a 1Show more Add to Mendeley Share...
SelectInclude results from your Mendeley account. You need to select theMain bibliography file for this project, aneditable.bibfile that Overleaf will update with any references you cite from Mendeley. Depending on the number of editable.bibfiles in your project, Overleaf will handle this selection...
In the fifth section, we present our research principles for how to enable “good” co-production alongside a series of questions that research teams might consider when designing their own research strategies. Based on these questions, we also present key decision-points and opportunities along a... (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 引证文献Information seeking in a flood Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to address the gaps in knowledge about how people get information in a flood and what...
It's impossible to know ex-actly how much a new husiness will need during its first five years, hut it is possihle to come up with realistic esti-mates. These come from the financial forecast: the income statement, the balance sheet, and, most important, the cash flow statement. This ...
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You may also look into research assistant programs like Mendeley and EndNote to keep everything organized. Time management and organization apps Time management is crucial to balancing your academic responsibilities and personal life. Set aside time to organize your Google Calendar or your Microsoft...
This promoted a more fluid dialogue, allowing the participant to fully express their views. Interviews were analysed using the inductive thematic analysis process as described by Braun and Clarke (2006). First, the data were transcribed verbatim, read and then re-read to enable immersion in the...
“Any idea how fast ‘It’s just a mask!’ can turn into ‘It’s just a vaccine!’”: From mask mandates to vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic Author links open overlay panelSam Martin a, Samantha Vanderslott aShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite...
(2021) used the theory of planned behaviour to explain the role of subjective norms in social influence for a positive response to AI-driven branding. Cantallops and Salvi (2014) used subjective norms from the Technology Acceptance Model perspective to explain the user acceptance of AI in brand...