Get-ItemPropertyHKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath} 1. Disable: Set-ItemProperty-Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 0 –Force 1. Enable: Set-ItemProperty-Path "HKLM:...
There are multiple ways to enable SMB on your PC. The easiest way is to enable from PowerShell using the following command. Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $true Paste the command and press enter key, you will be prompted to confirm the action. Type Y and press enter to ena...
How to monitor CPU and network utilization (Windows) Visual Basic Code Example: Opening a Queue Windows Server Installation Options (Windows) HNODEENUM structure (Windows) IMsRdpInputSink::SendMouseButtonEvent method (Windows) Edit Controls Overviews AutoRun and AutoPlay CHString::operator<(const CH...
Reference: this information can help you Best wishes VickyPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
To enable or disable SMBv1 on the SMB server, configure the following registry key: Registry subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Registry entry: SMB1 REG_DWORD: 0 = Disabled REG_DWORD: 1 = Enabled ...
\registry\machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmanserver\parameters DiskSpaceThreshold = REG_DWORD 0x00000000 登錄機碼許可權是由以空格分隔的二進位數位所指定,對應至指定特定群組特定許可權的Regini.doc檔案編號。 (例如,數位 1 指定系統管理員 - 完全控制)。 您可以使用 Resource Kit 公用程式 R...
Here are the steps to detect, disable and enable SMBv1 client and server by using PowerShell commands with elevation. Note The computer will restart after you run the PowerShell commands to disable or enable...
Note: It is very important to add a space after "=" and not before it. Replace the "Name of Service" portion with the name of your service. In my case it is "LanmanServer": My commands look as follows: sc stop LanmanServer
To find all computers in Active Directory with SMB v1 enabled, run the command: Get-ADComputer -Filter {(enabled -eq $True) } | % {Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.DNSHostName -scriptblock {If ( (Get-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters").SMB...
Here are the steps to detect, disable and enable SMBv1 client and server by using PowerShell commands with elevation. Note The computer will restart after you run the PowerShell commands to disable or enable SMBv1. Detect: PowerShell