*Tip: If you have access to CPanel, you might be able to do that yourself. Find “PHP Configuration” in CPanel, open it and check the ‘php-imagick’ extension in the list available. Note, this might not apply to everyone but is the most common way to enable php-imagick on shared ...
There is also an ImageMagick PHP extension that you can use to manipulate image files within PHP. For information about how to enable PHP extensions in cPanel, please see this article. More Information For more information about ImageMagick, please visit http://www.imagemagick.org. For more ...
apt-get install php-imagick To verify the Imagick extension we run: php -m | grep imagick Finally, we restart the Apache service. Otherwise, we won’t be able to use the Imagick class in users’ PHP code. We use the following command to restart the Apache service: service apache2 resta...
our example command includes each of those PHP versions to install the PHP extension, fileinfo, for all the PHP versions that exist on the server. Simply include each PHP version you want to install the extension for in the command you use. If you do not want the ...