How to Enable or Disable Cortana on Lock Screen using Group PolicyUse these steps, you can quickly enable or disable "Hey, Cortana" on lock screen using Group Policy.Step 1: Open the Local Group Policy Editor.Press "Windows key + R", then type gpedit.msc into run box, hit Enter....
3.Moving on, under Cortana, selectTalk to Cortana. In the right pane ofTalk to Cortana, make sureLet Cortana respond to “Hey Cortana”option is turnedOn. Also enable theKeep my device from sleeping when it’s plugged in so I can always say “Hey Cortana”option. 4.On the same screen...
The last one you'll see is for "Let Cortana respond when you say 'Hey Cortana." Turn that to on to enable hands-free voice operation on your Windows 10 computer. To turn this option off, simply repeat the process and switch the option to "Off." If you don't want Cortana to ...
If you want to re-enable Cortana on Windows 11, then you can follow the steps we mentioned in the previous sections in reverse. Disabling “Hey Cortana” Image used with permission by copyright holder If you want to partially disable Cortana but still leave the voice assistant functioning for ...
See if Windows 11/Windows 10 Cortana keeps popping up after the fix. If yes, go on the following methods. Disable Cortana’s Wake Command By default, Cortana is configured to always listen to the wake word –“Hey Cortana”. If you mutter random words and phrases including the wake word...
4] Open Windows Security via Cortana Enable Cortana (if not already enabled) on your Windows 11/10 device. Activate it by saying “Hey Cortana” or by clicking or tapping the icon on the extreme left of the taskbar. Say “open Windows Security”. Cortana should confirm your command by ans...
You experience an option “Hey Cortana” in the right pane of Settings. This option allows turn off and on the voice assistant on your computer. So, pull the slider towards the extreme right if you want to disable Cortana and oppositely to the far left to enable the same. ...
The "Hey Cortana" Voice Activation (VA) feature allows users to quickly engage the Cortana experience outside of his or her active context (i.e., what is currently on screen) by using his or her voice. Users often want to be able to instantly access an experience without having to ...
In order to enable Cortana simply click the microphone that appears in the menu bar or say “Hey Cortana” if the option is already enabled. 4. Call/Chat with Microsoft After you hunt for an answer via Get Help or Contact Support, you will also get to see options for additional assistanc...
8.1, Cortana–named after the AI character from Microsoft's Halo, one ofthe most popular gaming series of all time–is going to be a key element of Windows 10. Let's take a look at how to enable, configure, train, and (if necessary) remove or disable Cortana on your Windows 10 ...