httpd_enable_homedirs: Allows Apache to read user home directories. TheseBooleanscontrol various aspects of Apache’s interactions with SELinux, helping to maintain security while allowing necessary functionality. To enable a boolean, you can use the switch ‘On‘ or the numerical value(1). To ...
For example, enable Apache to start with the system boot with: sudo systemctl enable apache2Copy Note:Different Linux distributions sometimes have different names for one service. How to Stop a Service To stop an active service in Linux, use the following command: sudo systemctl stop [service-...
After you’ve added the above line, you need to create or alter an Apache virtual host inDebian/Ubuntubased distribution in order to start the binding process, specific to your own vhost requirements. InCentOS/RHELdistributions, the change is applied directly into default virtual host. In the ...
you’re going to need to know how to make this happen. Although https does will not guarantee security for your web server, it is a solid first step in the process. Configuring Apache for https on CentOS isn’
Linux at 25: How Linux changed the world Aug 24, 201610 mins analysis Why no one wins the tech holy wars Jun 06, 20164 mins analysis Sorry, dad, security isn’t what it used to be May 31, 20165 mins analysis Hey, Internet domain overlords, stop playing games ...
To set Apache to run when the system boots, execute: sudo systemctl enable httpd.service To prevent Apache from loading when the system boots, type: sudo systemctl disable httpd.service Apache Best Practices Proper management of Apache ensures reliable performance and enhanced functionality. Some im...
This tutorial describes how to enable or disable a single or group of YUM repositories while installing software on CentOS. Sometimes, having them already enabled in your system will help you save a lot of time. This tutorial tests the same process on CentOS 7 server. ...
A“LAMP” stack is a group of open source software that is typically installed together in order to enable a server to host dynamic websites and web apps written in PHP. This term is an acronym which represents theLinux operating system with theApache web server. The site data is...
Linux at 25: How Linux changed the world Aug 24, 201610 mins analysis Why no one wins the tech holy wars Jun 06, 20164 mins analysis Sorry, dad, security isn’t what it used to be May 31, 20165 mins analysis Hey, Internet domain overlords, stop playing games ...
Install apache with the commandsudo apt install apache2.If prompted, enter your password and agree withy. Once installed, you'll have to adjust the firewall to avoid network errors. Type the commandsudo ufw app list. A readout of apps that can enable or disable the firewall will show up...