Enter a name for ourremote, likegdrive Enter the number for Google Drive, which is18inrclone 1.62.2 Leaveclient_idandclient_secretempty unless we have our own Google API credentials Choose1for full access Leave theservice_account_fileempty ...
I have a situation to move all files form gDrive to iCloud I want to move "all" my files from google drive to icloud but here is where I'm having a problem. I have google drive installed in my Mac and can see it in the side bar. when opened it only sync's from the folders ...
when deleting old time machine backups to free up space on backup drive, it takes days to empty trash. Why? Any way to speed up? 3 years ago 229 4 time machine space I am getting 'can't back up because no space' in my back drive. I thought time machine always deletes the ol...
1. The real reason they "vendor" remove sd card slot is for forcing user to use their cloud services. Like apple with icloud and google with gdrive and related. Another reason like slow, not secure ect etc is kind of BS. Like your statement. 2. Is pointless to have faster and huge...
Step 7: Once done, inside your Whatsapp, disable the google drive backup and then use the backup option to create a local backup. At this stage, I suggest you copy the entire WhatsApp folder in your device’s root folder to your PC as a backup in case something goes wrong so it ...
You can copy this path and paste it into Finder’s Go -> Go to Folder… (Shift + ⌘ + G). Linux ~/.config/Insync Most file managers support copying this path and pasting it into their location bar. Note The logs can be compressed before sending to save space....
It is always (and highly) recommended to use any kind of versioning of your code. Even if you don't know exactly what Version Control is, just at least use a manual cloud backup to, i.e. Dropbox, GDrive etc. Double backups! Always!
So now the software is on there it’s time to plug in the webcam and ensure that everything is working, ensuring that you plug it into the powered hub, and then into the PI. Otherwise, the webcam will not get enough power to turn on. ...
choosing the type of remote to set up in the configuration program, choose the encrypted remote option (5) Encrypt/Decrypt a remote “crypt.” You’ll be prompted for the name of the remote to piggyback on (in my case gdrive), as well as a name you want to give the encrypted rem...
Going to the main function, let's define a function that lists files in our drive: defmain():"""Shows basic usage of the Drive v3 API. Prints the names and ids of the first 5 files the user has access to. """service=get_gdrive_service()# Call the Drive v3 APIresults=service.fi...