Discover how to freeze-proof your water stockpile with these essential tips. Ensure your emergency supply stays viable even in extreme cold.
there really isn’t a need to go to that extreme… at least not from your smartphone. There are simpler things you can do, without having to have people look at you strangely, because of your tin foil hat. Of course, if you want that, go ...
In the simplest of terms, a Faraday cage is any shielded enclosure that surrounds your electronic devices and protects them from an EMP blast. You may have heard Faraday cages referred to as an EMP box or EMP proof box. Commonly used enclosures include galvanized metal garbage cans, popcorn ...
The money hasn’t changed for me in the Great White North. I’ve realized, though, that prepping for an event like an EMP is trying to play apocalypse lottery; better to consider the consequences of whatever it is you worry about and prepare for those. It stops you from making assu...
however, I noticed he seemed really down. After I took a seat, he quickly read me my year end stats, and then went silent waiting for me to say thanks and leave the room. I didn’t move. Wait. Did he forget to congratulate me on my year end promotion, or did I just get sti...
Removing 30 years of dirt and nicotine by pressure washing the point to point wiring chassis, installing NOS tubes and replacing almost all the capacitors and resistors with modern parts resulted in an excellent sounding audio amplifier that was also nuclear EMP proof.. Like Reply J ...
Quick tip:While Bali is safe for solo travel, it’s still smart to packtravel safety essentials. One top pick is theShe’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm, which is TSA-approved and can help scare away potential attackers. Other recommendations includeClever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments...
We have been hearing a lot about what the oil spill is doing to the ocean. But something else which is also concerning is the condition the ocean was in, even prior to the spill. We live in a finite world. Our continued mistreatment of the ocean, the reduced fish population, and the...
this creates a layer that protects it from fingerprints. the installation by the specialist technicians was excellent, and they placed it in the chosen room. they were very careful when moving the fridge inside the house. i am very happy for this new acquisition for my home.. jose. kissimme...