立体兔子次就教程3D rabbits How to embroider a rabbits Detached st 45:58 立体白蕾丝玫瑰刺绣教程Amazing 3D White Rose Easy White Embroidery 13:39 丝线玫瑰花刺绣教程Brazilian Embroidery Silk Bouquet of Flowers 32:51 水仙和丁香花篮制作教程Backet Flower Embroidery Daffodils and Lilac 16:32 精致立...
1. How to straight stitch a simple flower One of the easiest ways ever to embroider a flower is to use a straight stitch! 1 Mark a circle on the fabric and define its middle. Then bring the needle up in the middle of the circle and make a stitch ending at the outline. 2 Keep...
If you work them in a circle they form petals for flower. The ‘leaves’ stand free from the fabric in a 3D manner. My main tip is to use a blunt tapestry needle so that as you weave the threads you do not split them by accident. How to work an Open Base Needlewoven Picot stitch...
How do you embroider letters by hand using 3 simple stitches How do you embroider letters by hand on a crazy quilt block. The tutorial covers how to position your letters and the three stitches used. Keep in Touch with Stitchin'Times NewsletterEmail...
Reporters were also invited to experience a Western embroidery. Although I thought I was good at sewing, I found that embroidery was totally different from what we thought before picking up the crochet. After prying N back on the cloth, he still failed to embroider a bead. ...
Flowers are popular items to embroider onto fabric, and doing a single large flower is a great option if you are a beginner. Use a pattern to transfer the image of a flower onto your fabric, or draw the flower onto the fabric freehand using a pen or pencil. Then, fill in the design...