How to Keep a Skunk & Possum Away From Your Barn How to Repel Black Widow Spiders How to Repel Raccoons How to Kill Blow Flies How Keep Squirrels From Chewing Wires How to Keep a Wasp From Nesting on a Wood Deck How to Eliminate Raccoons & Skunks From a Yard How to Get ... reports that, without a permit, it is a federal offense to kill native birds. Related Articles How to Keep Birds Off My Back Porch How to Get Rid of Martin Birds How to Eliminate Raccoons & Skunks From a Yard How to Scare Sparrows What Animals Eat Termites? How to ...
Note: Motion-activated sprinklers may not work during winter if the temperature drops low enough to freeze the water in your hose. If you live in a colder climate, install the sprinklers in spring or summer so neighborhood cats are trained to stay away from your yard before winter rolls arou...
A squirrel nesting box is a human-fabricated squirrel house that can be installed on trees in your yard. You can buy one pre-made or make a DIY version5. A squirrel nesting box can provide an attractive alternative to your home. To eliminate a squirrel’s nesting options, make sure there...
So how are they to be kept out of the house? One way to minimize the attraction for squirrels to come into the house is to eliminate everything that would draw them to your house in the first place. A big item that draws squirrels is bird food. Here is ready food that they can ...
Signs of Skunks in Your Yard You know you have a skunk problem (aside from the random skunk odors that you'll smell at times) because you might notice several holes in your yard that look as if they were dug out by an animal. Skunks like to dig for grubs, as they are one of the...
At one time, homeowners were told to apply lime to their lawns to eliminate mushrooms. This recommendation was based on the theory that the limechanges the soil pH, making it too acidic and unsuitable for mushroom growth. However, this garden myth was debunked. ...
Gather fallen fruit and nuts, and don’t leave pet food out in the yard so as not to attract animal pests such as ground squirrels and raccoons. The best way to keep critters out of your garden is to make sure they can’t get in Build A Barrier Around Your Garden Put up a garden...
more active. Reset the traps as often as necessary until you eliminate the population. Relocate voles if it’s legal where you live. (Note that it may not be!) The key to trapping is persistence. You may want to cover the traps so that pets and children do not accidentally find them....
Are a few soil mounds in your lawn really worth the fight? As you can see, it can take a good bit of effort to control moles in the yard, but it’s definitely doable if you’re willing to dedicate the time and money to do so. Some gardeners prefer to just look the other way an...