Although the dwarf dappled willow is much smaller than other large willow species, keep in mind that its roots will grow up to four times longer than the length of the branches. Don’t plant this tree within 40 feet of a septic system or other underground piping....
If your white laces are still dirty, try soaking them for five minutes in a solution of 3 tablespoons of bleach diluted in a gallon of water. To keep them from floating to the top, you'll need to put them in a mesh laundry bag and then put something heavy on them. Wash them by h...
It's a good idea to get a map of underground sewer lines so you can keep your trees far enough away to prevent tree roots from growing into the pipes and blocking them. If you have a septic system, trees should be no closer than a distance equal to the height of the adult tree or...
a University of Delaware associate professor and extension specialist. In her original attempts to eliminate Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum), an introduced species that crowds out other plants, she’d tried all the standard approaches—mowing, herbicides, replanting with low fescue, and ...
Throw small pieces of lime and lemon peels with a handful of ice into your garbage disposal to eliminate odors and help maintain the blades! The lemon and lime will keep your kitchen smelling citrusy fresh. Ice helps knock off any debris built up on the sharp edges that keep them from gri...
Scott has Wild Ass Guesses, a cunning approach, and his own rules for success. That’s why they give him multiple degrees in Things. We can’t ford a mountain pass or knit a canoe, but we CAN claim this nerdy, outlying subclass as our new model. Expand, Abandon, Eliminate! In the ...
This anti-septic oil makes a natural homemade cleaner and disinfectant to cleanse indoor environments, eliminate harmful bacteria therein, and to deodorize any rooms in the home. When mixed with baking soda and Lemon essential oil, it creates a scrubbing substance that is useful for removing greas...
You need a way to safely treat your sewage in order to live off the grid. A septic tank is a watertight chamber that collects sewage in the absence of a sewer system. While solid waste remains inside the tank, liquids exit into a surrounding leaching field. The size of the leaching fiel...
This juice also helps treat liver-related problems that may occur by helping to eliminate all the toxins and waste products from your body. 10 Mix 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a shot of water on the first day of your symptoms. Drink this mixture every 15 minutes for 1 to 2...