Safety tech is good now, but isn't enough to completely eliminate human error, just like fixing one of these older models, a simple mistake can result in craziness, not worth it to me fixing such an older computer when I could pick up a working powerbook etc for approx. $100 Questa r...
It is widely applied in areas, such as data compression, to eliminate redundancy and data noise cancellation. 1. Non-dimensionalization of actual values using standardized methods based on Equation (10), and then calculate the covariance matrix of dimensionless data: Y = yij = xij − xj 1 ...
According to studies, implementing CSR initiatives in the con- struction industry helps to lessen or even eliminate the environmental impact that these activities have on the environment [22], as well as promote the sustainability of themselves and society as a whole [23].Additionally, companies' ...
Specialtyionizers for the auto body industryare used to eliminate surface contamination. These ionizers allow you to keep the surface clean so you can avoid unnecessary reworking and buffing, saving both time and money. The guns work twofold: as a forceful blow off gun that easily removes part...