In this article, we’ll take a look at all the different ways you can either lower or eliminate the ammonia in your tank. When ammonia levels are too high, your fish may display one or several symptoms, such as a reddening of its gills, or swimming erratically and close to the surface...
gravel. Fortunately many beneficial bacteria reside within the filter media, so you haven’t completely upset the Eco-system. However if you changed the filter at the same time, you might trigger a dangerous ammonia spike because there aren’t enough beneficial bacteria left to eliminate the ...
11. Maintenance.Once your tank is set up, you’ll need to maintain it. I recommend changing around 25% of the water weekly and rinsing the filter media in tank water monthly to keep it clean and fresh. Clean the substrate with an aquarium gravel vacuum to eliminate fish waste, leftover ...
It’s best to err on the side of caution and eliminate any planaria worms in your aquarium to ensure the safety of your fish. Are Planaria Harmful to Humans? No, planaria worms are not harmful to humans, so you don’t need them to avoid touching them (though you may still want to...
Find out how to identify and eliminate planaria from your aquarium. Learn effective methods to keep your tank clean and pest-free!
Use FishLab’s four-step process to eliminate Ich in your aquarium, fast!This treatment process cures your fish and aquarium of Ich at the same time.Important: Your fish might already be too weak or too far gone to be saved. While I cannot guarantee the survival of your fish, using ...
molluscs, slaughterhouse waste, silkworm pupae, fish meal, earthworms and other aquatic invertebrates). Feeding rate depends on water temperature and is begun when it reaches 10 °C. Special care should be taken to the crab during moulting, especially to maintain good water quality and eliminate ...
Once the Marine Ich Trophonts are fattened up, they leave the fish as a protomont. Protomonts lose their ability to swim, fall to the bottom of the tank and in a few hours become a tomont. The parasite becomes a hardened cyst, like an ich egg, waiting to hatch. The tomont is a...
VALVES to AVOID Let’s start off with the assumption that we’re discussing valves for controlling water flow in an aquarium. You can immediately eliminate the following types of valves from your shopping list. Most of these are found in big-box home stores. ...
Initially, I was going to outline all of the steps for the beer-making process, but I was concerned with how long and repetitive this article would be. So here’sa linkto an article that explains the process. However, like wine, it’s common practice to filter the beer to eliminate any...