Asking about STDs reflects your commitment to each other’s health and the relationship’s future. Don’t wait for the perfect moment; make your health and peace of mind a priority today. Encourage your partner to join you in this important conversation and take action towards a safer and mo...
Let others know that you have quit smoking. You will find that most people will support you. Many of your smoking friends may want to know how you quit. It's good to talk to others about your quitting. People who stay off smoking for at least one year often have very strong support ...
We often get asked how long STDs can live outside the body and on the skin. We decided to flex our muscles as one of the industry leaders of STD/STI testing and go into detail to answer the question, “how long STDs can live outside the body and on the skin.” Let’s get nerdy!
Then, while surfing the Web for data on the newest herpes medicine, I stumbled across a website online for people with herpes. He considered that for a minute after which realized he won’t know. In the end, instead of rejecting me, he chose to proceed our relationship. But after we h...
Homosexuality is associated with a sexual interest in which an individual is attracted to one's own sex. The synonyms or layman terms for homosexuals are gay and lesbians. Male homosexuality, coined as gays and females' homosexuality is coined as lesbianism....
How much clearer could Thomas Mohammed Jefferson have been when he concluded the document with "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Allah, the Most Merciful, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." ...
Hopefully you educate yourself (using reputable sources) on the differences between Covid-19 and the flu and stop spreading misinformation. Yeah, I suggest the same to you. Maybe people are comparing it to the flu because that's roughly the closest thing to compare it t...
STDs exist, and you do not have to have sex multiple times to contract an STD. People, especially Black youth, need to understand the dangers of unprotected sex and ways to upkeep themselves while practicing safe sex. I also want to one day open my facility, additionally focusing on mental...
Using proper scientific terms, I gave a rundown of how and why people have sex. His face was red and my inner voice was scream-crying, but I kept going. We covered STDs, birth control, and even “sexting.” And then, I told him to come to me with questions and that I’d always...
Not only do you have to be super vulnerable about your bodily functions — which can be awkward enough — but, usually, the safe sex reminders about birth control and STDs are super heteronormative. Plus, the constant bodily attention can leave a lot of trans and GNC people feeling dysphoric...