Part 1. How to Register SSS online Account? Step 1: Creating Account Step 2: Personal Info and Address Step 3: Review and Submit the Form Step 4: Confirmation Part 2. How to Check SSS Contribution Online? Step 1: Go to Step 2: Login your Account Step ...
If you have an online account, just login to the My. SSS portal,choose “Voluntary'' or “OFW” as your membership type, and generate a Payment Reference Number (PRN). After the contribution is paid, your membership status will automatically change to voluntary or OFW. How do I change my...
they can go to SSS branches with a tellering facility, SM Payment Centre, Bayad Centre, or selected banks. Just make sure that your representative has your Payment Reference Number (PRN) before paying your contribution.
global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development" [4] Despite the UN Decade, teacher training has been insufficient so far. "To date there are hardly any structural changes in teacher education and training, and there is a need for...
The main contribution of this article includes: (1) the model of real-time operation of first mile Tanhdelmastaminilceosnutprpiblyuctihoaninosfoltuhtiisonasrttihcalet iinnccluludde escsh: e(1d)utlihneg manoddaeslsiogfnrmeeanl-ttpimroebloepmesr;a(2ti)obnlaockf fihorslet mile and laals...
Introduction According to the Global Wind Energy Council [1], wind energy can potentially cover as much as 25%–30% of the world's electricity demand by 2050. With more than 400 giga-Watts (GW) of cumulative nominal wind energy capacity installed as of the end of 2015 [2,3], offshore...