The wedding template isnow protectedand my Fiance will now only be able to view the sheet and not make anyunnecessary changes. Everytime someone tries to edit the content, Excel will show a warning message. How to Protect Specific Cells in Excel Let’s change things a little, while using ...
Here's how to lock or unlock cells in Microsoft Excel 2016 and 2013. Select the cells you wish to modify. Choose the “Home” tab. In the “Cells” area, select “Format” > “Format Cells“. Select the “Protection” tab. Uncheck the box for “Locked” to unlock the cells. Check...
Pro Tip: Most advanced Excel users use the F2 shortcut to edit cells instead of using a mouse to double-click and get into the edit mode. Once you get used to using the keyboard shortcut, you will find using the mouse to edit the cell a bit tedious and inefficient. ...
You can choose to lock cells in Excel. Then anyone who opens this Excel is not allowed to edit the cells that are protected. On other hand, you can also choose to lock specific cells in Excel according to your requirements. In this blog,MiniTool Softwarewill introduce how to lock cells i...
Why Are Cells Locked in Excel? When users enable Excel sheet protection, by default, all of the cells in the worksheet are protected using the set password. This is done to ensure the safety and integrity of data stored in the Excel sheet. Users can access the file to read its contents...
Step 6.In the last step, change the ZIP file extension back to ".xlsx" format. If all goes well, your Excel sheet is now unprotected. You can open and edit this file without using a password. 2.3 Using VBA Code In order to unlock cells in Excel file, you need to unprotect the wor...
Check the Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells option in the Protect Sheet. Add a password in the password field if you want to protect the cells. Click on OK. The locked columns are protected. If you try to edit any of the cells in those columns, a warning box will appear...
VBA code: Allow edit objects in protected worksheet PrivateSubWorkbook_Open()Application.ScreenUpdating=FalseOnErrorResumeNextWithWorksheets("Sheet3").EnableOutlining=True.EnableAutoFilter=True.Protect Password:="123",_Contents:=True,DrawingObjects:=False,UserInterfaceOnly:=True,_AllowFormattingCells:=TrueEnd...
Method 1 – Clicking on ‘Enable Editing’ to Edit in Protected View When opening an unsafe file (saved in previous versions of Excel or received from external sources), Excel usually displays it in Protected View. It shows a warning message that says- ...
I have an excel spreadsheet with a protected sheet. There are certain unlocked cells that allow for data input. My issue, is around updating data in the unlocked cells. Once data has been input into the cell, if I double click on the cell again to edit the text, all the text...