As a shortcut, if you commonly use the same parameters each time and don't want to type them, add something similar to your .bash_profile (or otherwise). This example gives you 5 colored results each time. alias h='function hdi(){ howdoi $* -c -n 5; }; hdi' ...
In therunssection, notice you specifydockerin theusesattribute. When you do this, you'll need to provide the path to the Docker image file. Here, it's calledDockerfile. We won't get into the specifics of Docker here, but if you'd like more information, check out theIntroduction t...
plugins=( git bashmarks ) # Which plugins would you like to conditionally load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-bash/plugins/*) # Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-bash/custom/plugins/ # Example format: # if [ "$DISPLAY" ] || [ "$SSH" ]; then # plugins+=(tmux-...
Linux’ssudosystem grants security privileges to users. However, we can use it in a way that far exceeds a common idiom, ‘members ofsudogroup can act asroot‘. Thanks to the flexibility of thesudoconfiguration, we can control various aspects of the command execution. As the bash environment...
In your deployment pipeline you want to log in to your server using SSH. To achieve this, you’ll store the SSH private key in a GitLab CI/CD variable (Step 5). The SSH private key is a very sensitive piece of data, because it is the entry ticket to your...
Objects and Classes in Python: Create, Modify and Delete Lesson -19 Python OOPs Concept: Here's What You Need to Know Lesson -20 An Introduction to Python Threading Lesson -21 Getting Started With Jupyter Network Lesson -22 PyCharm Tutorial: Getting Started with PyCharm ...
Therefore, go to the specified path on which your Python file is saved and then write python <file_name> to run your file without getting the File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> error.The output will appear something like below on executing the desired file....
1. open and edit the.zshrcconfiguration file using a text editor. For example, we will usenano: nano ~/.zshrc Note:Learn about the.bashrc configuration file in Bash, which serves the same purpose as the .zshrc file in Zsh. 2. Locate the following line: ...
Replaces all "%" delimited environment variables in a string with their values. CreateEnvBlockCreates a new environment block suitable for passing to a child process. And so to the code: GetEnvVarValue This routine returns the value of a given environment variable (or returns the empty string...
cd /usr/local/bin ./program-to-run However, if you have the directory in your PATH, you can run the executable by simply giving its name as a command: program-to-run The PATH variable becomes especially useful when running specialized developer or system administrator tools as well as ...