circles, stars, and polygons. You can even use the tools like the Bezier Curve tool or the Freehand pen to draw your own shapes. Once created, you can then edit the vector with the help of its nodes. You can even change the type of the node for different effects...
SketchAR: This AI-powered app allows users to practice drawing on real paper or canvas by projecting a virtual image onto the surface. The app uses computer vision and AR technology to detect the user's drawing and provide feedback in real-time. Flowbox: This AI-powered tool helps animators...
Before starting, go to the Canvas menu in the menu bar and select Properties (or press F8 on your keyboard). In the properties window, enter your desired canvas size. You might want to start with 1920x1080 (1080 HD) if you've got a moderately powerful computer, or lower if you're o...