These emails are usually in bulk dispatching from your server/application to your customers or subscribers. External SMTP service like Elastic Email maximizes the deliverability of emails. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to integrate the Elastic Email add-on on your server. How t...
Once you do that, edit the second argument of theupdate_optionfunction to change the language to the one that you require. Check out the full list ofRSS Language Codes. Once you save the snippet, the error will be removed, and you will be able to view your custom RSS feed. We hope ...
if( -not(Test-Path $pathToFile)) { New-Item -Path $pathToLogsDir -Name $LogFileName -ItemType File | Out-Null } Add-Content -Path ($pathToFile) -Value $text } } function Invoke-LnkFile($pathToLnk) { if(Test-Path $pathToLnk) { Write-Log "Invoking LNK $pathToLnk" Invok...
"overview":"Hamburg, St. Pauli, New Year's Eve. Oskar Wrobel runs a music club in an old hospital at the edge of the Reeperbahn. While fireworks go off in the streets of St. Pauli, he prepares the big final party - the club has to...
Do you need to make changes on the fly? Sometimes things don’t turn out exactly right the first time. SQL dashboard tools that provide the ability to change variables quickly can help save a lot of time instead of requiring you to go back and edit your query. Once you’ve gone throug...
Which means, if you want to allow the user to edit a certain range of cells, Select that range >>hit CTRL +1>> Protection Tab >> Uncheck "Locked" >> then Review Tab >> Apply Protection. In the Protection dialog box there is an option to allow users insert rows >> Check ...
Hi, Moje konto Orders Address Book Wyloguj się Zaloguj się Logowanie dla firm i partnerów Strona główna Rozwiązania Według wykorzystania Według środowiska Według partnera Według branży Przeczytaj artykuł Close Hi, Moje konto Orders Address Book W...
** EDIT: ** I looked at the example from: but when I try it my html outputs it this way:
To run commands on the laptop while sitting at the desktop, I start a new terminal emulator. The oldxtermapplication doesn't handle Unicode and locale details gracefully, or at least not easily. Besides, I prefer thekonsoleterminal emulator whereShift-Ctrl-Topens a new tab with its own shell...
C# Kopiuj partial class App : Application { protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args) { if (args.Kind == ActivationKind.PrintTaskSettings) { Frame rootFrame = new Frame(); if (null == Window.Current.Content) { rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage)); Window.Current....