Coconut Palm Sugar- this sugar is actually sap from the coconut palm which is heated and evaporated which reduces it to granules.Coconut sugar is nutritious and has a low score on the glycemic index(which essentially means it doesn’t tax your body and make you crash after giving you a sug...
some youtubes or Angela, take a swig of molases and chase it with water, or eat a teaspoon of bee pollen granules and chase with water. 9 Be sure you followed numbers 1 and 2 above. 10 Put photos of yourself up when you were slim and look at them every day, on the frig and/...
In order to get to the nectar, a pollinator such as ahoney beehas to brush against the flower’s anthers. This causes the sticky pollen to become attached to the insect’s body. As it moves from flower to flower, the honey bee transports pollen from one plant to another. 3. Pollinati...
Pollen grains may bestickyorbarbedto increase the likelihood of their becoming attached to an animal’s body. Pollination occurs when the pollen an insect is carrying brushes off onto the stigma of another flower. The stigma is often sticky to increase the likelihood of pollen becoming attached. ...