As you progress through the main campaign of Ohn’ahran Plains, you’ll learn you’re slowly gaining the Maruuk Centaur Renown. Here’s everything you’ll need to know about the Maruuk Centaur Renown, including what is Maruuk Centaur Renown, how to earn Renown, and all Renown rewards. ...
Young Souls bring the beat-’em-up back to its roots with an RPG twist, giving players an opportunity to invest in the stats of their characters to deal more damage to enemies. This primarily comes by way of using Happy Fit Tokens to visit the gym between dungeons, but the tokens themse...
The hip-fire detonation also applies Scorch to targets. The bonus range from the Masterwork has been rolled into the base stats of the weapon. The Masterwork now grants bonus reload speed instead. Has the highest airborne effectiveness stat of any weapon in the game. The Last Word: Reduc...
When a piece of armor is upgraded to its maximum of ten, it will become Masterworked. Masterworked items grant an additional +2 to every armor stat in addition to having ten energy to work with. To find the materials needed to Masterwork your armor, you will need to obtain Enhancement Co...