Public SubHighlightDupesCaseInsensitive()DimCellAsRangeDimDelimiterAsStringDelimiter = InputBox("Enter the delimiter that separates values in a cell","Delimiter",", ")For EachCellInApplication.SelectionCallHighlightDupeWordsInCell(Cell, Delimiter,False)NextEnd SubSubHighlightDupeWordsInCell(CellAsRange...
length === 0) { userInput = prompt("Blank value not accepted, please enter the layer repeat quantity required:", ""); } // Convert decimal input to integer var dupeValue = parseInt(userInput); // Iterate the dupe for (var i = 0; i < dupeValue; i...
Please post the Script in question, the one you use to get the alert of the Bounds. Replacing negative values with 0 or values larger than the width/height - 14829342
While mid-September into early October are the best times to dupe a buck with an imposter, you can fill antelope tags using a fake, or many fakes, starting in August when many antelope bow seasons across the country kick-off.When using multiple decoys, you need a system to get them in...
It doesn’t always have to take many long hours of work to create a beautiful card. In this week’s tutorial I’m sharing an idea for a quick & easy card design, for which you only need some pieces of paper, a piece of string and some tools. ...
Also, you can replace duplicate files with hard links. The approach allows to keep files in place and significantly saves disk space. param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})] [string]$dir1, ...
User-defined function to remove duplicates within a cell To eliminate duplicate text in a cell, you can use the following user-defined function (UDF), namedRemoveDupeWords: FunctionRemoveDupeWords(textAsString,OptionaldelimiterAsString=" ")AsStringDimdictionaryAsObjectDimx, partSetdictionary =CreateOb...
fmt.Printf("data: %v \n", string(event.Body)) invoice.Ack(true) } ch.Close() } The code connects to the stream and starts consuming it. Go ahead and run the Consumer. You should see the “Starting to consume” print and then nothing. ...
, size: 0 // maximum response body size in bytes, 0 to disable , body: empty // request body, can be a string or readable stream , agent: null // custom http.Agent instance } as options for Maybe worth trying, as far as I know the react na...
team use. As teams deploy that template, storing at least some of the configuration information, consider storing the parameters file as a separate layer. When pushed to a registry, most registry operators will de-dupe the base template, only storing the unique parameters layer for each artifact...